
  • Extensive Lab Testing

    Dr. Novak, ND offers extensive laboratory testing to understand your health and get to the root cause of the issue. Testing includes (but is not limited to): Hormone panels, Vitamin and Mineral analysis, Thyroid and adrenal testing, SIBO and other digestive concerns, and Food Sensitvitiy Testing.

  • Vitamins and Supplements

    Dr. Novak, ND will create personalized treatment plans which will cater to your needs and may include vitamins and supplements alongside other therapies. Dr. Novak also offers to help patients analyze their current supplement regimen and offer recommendations to further optimize your health.

  • Diet and Lifestyle Counselling

    Diet and lifestyle is foundational in ones health but can be a very difficult aspect to modify which is why Dr. Novak will meet you exactly where you are in your nutrition journey. Dr. Novak also offers personalized diet plans to help you achieve your health goals.

  • Acupuncture

    Acupuncture is the practice of inserting thin needles into several areas in the body to help influence energy flow (or Qi). Dr. Novak, ND is trained in both Western and Eastern acupuncture methods to help with conditions such as joint and muscle pain, anxiety and stress, irregular cycles, fertility issues, and chronic headaches.

  • Facial Rejuvenation/Cosmetic Acupuncture

    Facial rejuvenation acupuncture has several potential benefits for the skin. It can reduce the look of fine lines and wrinkles, improve skin texture, enhance facial muscle tone, reduce the look of puffiness and swelling, and can help with stress reduction.

    This treatment is great for those with TMJ, acne, dull skin, acne scarring, rosacea, and for those who are looking for a natural alternative to botox!

  • Cupping & Massage

    Massage and cupping is ideal for sore and tight muscles. Cupping uses the suction of silicon or hard plastic cups to separate the fascia of skin from the underlying muscle tissue to allow more blood flow and oxygen to the area for speedy recovery. Additionally, in ancient medicine practices, cupping therapy has been used to stimulate the immune system to prevent illness.

  • Botanical Medicine

    Botanical medicine has been around for centuries. Each botanical has unique herbal properties to promote healing. Botanicals are extracted in alcohol to help with digestion, hormonal imbalance, irregular cycles, sleep issues, anxiety and depression, and many more concerns! Dr. Novak, ND creates personalized, in-office tinctures that suit your individual needs.

  • Physical Exams

    Dr. Novak, ND is trained in head to toe physical examinations to assess your health and well-being. Physical exams may be used in your visit to get a better understanding of your symptoms and to investigate the root cause of your concerns.

  • Homeopathy

    Homeopathy uses the foundation that like cures like. These small pellets are dissolved on the tongue and strengthen the body’s ability to heal itself. Each remedy is carefully handpicked by Dr. Novak, ND based on your concerns. This is a great option for both acute and chronic conditions that may arise and is also a great treatment option for children and individuals who are taking several medications.

Pricing & What to Expect

Initial Appointment
60 Minutes - $178.00

Each new patient must have an initial appointment. This 60-minute service allows you to discuss your health concerns and goals with Dr. Novak, ND.

During this appointment, Dr. Novak, ND will go over your intake form and the goal is to have a clear understanding of what the next steps are. If there are any supplement, herb, diet and lifestyle, or testing recommendations, Dr. Novak will explain everything in a clear and thorough manor to set you up for success moving forward.

Follow Up Appointments
30 Minutes - $87.50

After your initial assessment, a clear plan will be laid out and a follow-up will be scheduled to ensure we are on the right path with your health goals.

As mentioned, you will receives a personalized and individualized treatment plan based on your health concerns and goals therefore, follow-up appointment lengths and frequencies may vary from one person to the next

** Please note that In-Person AND Virtual Appointments are available **

We accept Debit, Visa, Mastercard
Direct Billing is currently unavailable

Other Appointment Types
See Below

15-minute Follow Up - $63.00 - for acute questions and answers on your treatment plan, supplements, herbs, or other concerns that may come up where you do not require the full 30 minutes.

Acupuncture - $90.00 - this is a 60-minute individualized appointment based on your needs

Initial Facial Rejuvenation Acupuncture - $178.00

Follow-up Facial Rejuvenation Acupuncture - $120.00

30/60 Minute Massage or Cupping - $62.50/$113.00

Diagnostic Request Appointment - $30 - this is a 15 minute video appointment to get updated lab results, only. This allows for you and Dr. Novak, ND to discuss what lab tests are best suited for you and to get updates on your health.